About NIMIC  – NPO Nishitokyo Multicultural and International Center

About NIMIC 

Message from Our Chairperson

Mariko Yamabe

Our group, initially founded in 2006 with fewer than 20 citizen volunteers, has grown into a nonprofit organization supported by 279 members (as of October 2024). Our goal is to build a community where people from diverse cultural backgrounds can recognize, respect, and interact with one another and live comfortably side by side—in other words, a multicultural society. 

Amid greater human mobility caused by the ongoing labor shortages in Japan and increased instability around the world, the foreign population of Nishitokyo City has risen significantly, from 1.5% of the total population in June 2006 to 2.9% (6,046 people) in October 2024.  NIMIC will continue its citizen volunteer activities under the three pillars of “support, exchange, and the vitalization of activities” with the aim of building a society where neighbors living in the same community can pool their resources and help one another. 

Let’s work together to create a community where everyone can truly experience NIMIC’s motto of “Living together, coexisting together.” 

History of NIMIC

Mar 2006Established as a voluntary organization 
Sep 2007Began operating Japanese language classes for children as an independent initiative 
Oct 2008Relaunched as NPO Nishitokyo Multicultural and International Center (NIMIC) 
Apr 2009Began operating the Nishitokyo Multicultural Center (consultation service) on consignment from the city  
Mar 2017Published a booklet (Japanese only) jointly with Nishitokyo City summarizing 10 years of its activities and future prospects  
Dec 2020“Living together, coexisting together” motto decided by member vote 
Dec 2023Membership exceeds 200 
Apr 2024Japanese Language Class for Kids changed to a city program named the Multicultural Kids Salon, operated on consignment by NIMIC

Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Based on its guiding principles, NIMIC aims to contribute to achieving the following seven Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by promoting the realization of a multicultural society where people of diverse cultural backgrounds can live comfortably together in the community. Our activities to realize such a society are conducted through partnerships with government bodies, other NPOs, and educational institutions, as well as through support for the daily lives of foreign residents in the region. 

SDGsNIMIC’s contribution 
GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEINGThrough consultation services, we connect individuals with health and welfare services. 
QUALITY EDUCATIONBy offering Japanese language classes for children and various other courses, we contribute to lifelong learning across generations. 
GENDER EQUALITYWe take account of the perspective of gender equality in all aspects of our activities, including consultation services, exchange programs, public relations, and operational setup.
REDUCED INEQUALITIESWe encourage participation in our activities regardless of an individual’s region of origin or economic circumstances.
SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIESThrough activities that nurture interrelations among people and consideration for the environment, we foster a sense of community pride. 
PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONSWe support evacuees and refugees, and we provide opportunities to reflect on peace and justice through interaction among children from diverse regions of the world in local elementary and junior high schools.
PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALSWe implement collaborative projects in partnership with Nishitokyo City, other local NPOs, and universities. 

Board members

ChairpersonMariko Yamabe
Vice ChairpersonHideko Iwano
Vice ChairpersonHisanori Tamura
DirectorZhi Yang
DirectorTomoko Shimizu
DirectorChiho Ono
DirectorJiro Takahashi
DirectorMasakazu Takemura
DirectorYasuharu Sato
DirectorYuko Kato
AuditorYoshiaki Kubo
AuditorMasao Tanemura