What is this activity?
This is an event in which international students from neighboring universities and other institutions stay with families in the city for half a day and interact with them.
International students do not have much opportunity to actually visit Japanese homes, so the objective of this program is to bring them into the daily lives of host families and encourage mutual understanding. The Japanese language ability of international students varies, so we match them according to the situation of the host family.
NIMIC provides the opportunity for interaction but leaves it up to each family to decide what to do afterwards.
Past activities
This exchange program started in 2007 with 15 international students and 13 host families. It has been held almost every year since then, including online events held during the Covid-19 pandemic.
In 2024, to the delight of the organizers, the program grew in scale with 39 international students from 4 universities and 13 countries and 27 host families.

How to participate in the home-visit program as an international student
The program is held on a Sunday in late June, and we begin accepting applications around the beginning of May. Universities and other schools deliver program information to students. Applications are also accepted via the NIMIC website and social media, so please check them for information.
How to participate as a host family
The event is held on a Sunday in late June every year. Since it is co-hosted with Nishitokyo City, information is often given in the May 1 issue of the city newsletter. We also post recruitment information on the NIMIC website and in the NIMIC Tsushin.
Applicants are required to attend a preliminary briefing, and it is a condition that at least two family members be present on the day of acceptance.
On the application form, please answer the questions about smoking and pets to help us in the matching of students with host families.
How to participate as a staff member
Executive committee members, who begin planning and preparation around March, are recruited from NIMIC members via the NIMIC Tsushin.
Volunteers on the day of the home visit, such as those who guide visitors and help at the venue, are recruited in the same way around the end of May.